Downtown Merchant Spotlight

Merchants Inside of Unity Park 

  • Downtown Social  
  • Georgia Beer Company 
  • Jessie's Restaurant and Catering 
  • The Southern Cellar 


Merchants outside of Unity Park 

 Kaleidoscope, Gallery & Emporium:

  • During the Bluesberry Festival Kaleidoscope Gallery, & Emporium is offering 10% off decor, candles, etc. throughout the gallery. This includes paintings and prints by Fay Bridges Hyatt. * excludes commissioned artists works 

Downtown Salon and Wellness:

  • will be decorating window displays, round pillow size blueberry and will have 2 gift baskets for raffle. ( Emsella-2 free sessions, booth rent- first and second month half price, Luxe Beauty Bar- 20 % off eyebrow treatment), free Unite and Aiir products, Kelly Lashes discount).

The Flower Gallery: